I'm confused -- I am looking for the 'Gender Resource List' but I don't see a link to your new website??

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Hallo ..quite a comprehensive list you've assembled. Two points aa wish tae make. Firstly the Drs Anderson and Bowers quite frankly have no place on this list. They have certainly profitted in the so called transing of children...Anderson was involved in the dreadful "care" of the young person..see the I am Jazz videos..truly horrendous. Quite frankly they are involved in a 'skin savin exercise' after the judgement of the Keira Bell case and the changes in practice of GD children/young people. Ie no more puberty blockers by the Swedish and the Duch clinicians.

Second point aa wish to raise is the use of term Transgender Woman or trangender man. A lerson cannot change their sex full stop. Sticking a prefix in front man or woman in such a manner give rise to the labelling of 'others' as CIS. Women/men do not need a prefix they are not 'other' as in not opposite to trans,they are the originals. This othering suits the gender ideologues. Transwomen and transmen is more accurate given that they retain their biological sex and cannot be classed as having changed sex.

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